Do Air Purifiers Really Make a Difference in Your Home?

Are you at high risk of complications from Covid-19? Investing in an air purifier may help remove toxins, bacteria, and viruses from the air to improve your breathing and overall health. Learn more about how they work and other steps you can take.

Do Air Purifiers Really Make a Difference in Your Home?

Are you at high risk of complications from Covid-19? If so, you may want to consider investing in an air purifier. While masks are effective in reducing the spread of the virus, air purifiers can help remove toxins, bacteria, and viruses from the air to improve your breathing and overall health. But do air purifiers really make a difference?Dust and mold can build up in homes and cause respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies. Air purifiers can help remove these particles from the air, as well as airborne bacteria and viruses.

If you want to do your best, there are units with multiple filters to capture particles in the air, as well as an activated carbon filter to eliminate odors. In addition to air purifiers, there are other steps you can take to improve the air quality in your home. Opening a window can create an air exchange that will allow pollutants to leave a room and enter fresh air. Air purifiers that can clean the air in a space at least four times an hour are best for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

Using an air purifier will help create cleaner, healthier air in your home or office, so you can enjoy better indoor air quality. However, don't rely on them without taking additional steps. If your home has forced air, hire a trained professional to inspect your entire system, including equipment and ducts. Overall, investing in an air purifier can help improve the air quality in your home. But it's important to remember that there are other things happening in your home that can affect effectiveness, such as ventilation and new particles that constantly emerge.

So while an air purifier can help clean indoor air, it may not be as filtered as the claims lead you to believe.

Irene Rosenzweig
Irene Rosenzweig

Infuriatingly humble web aficionado. Hipster-friendly pizza ninja. Proud food scholar. Extreme tv aficionado. Certified social media specialist.